The one Thing

In 2018 I picked only one thing (goal, intention, resolution, whatever you want to call it) to focus on and achieve for the entire year.

Usually I pick like 37 things. So for me, one thing was really, really hard.

My brain freaked out a little.

But I did it with the promise that I would actually accomplish more and what I would accomplish would actually be COMPLETE.

I picked lose the baby weight (and some) permanently in a healthy, nourishing way and to finally free myself from all the drama around food and my body FOREVER.

Read: no calorie counting, no calorie restriction, no deprivation, no diets, no excessive working out, no beating myself up or hating my body, no losing 8 pounds in 2 weeks mentality (all of my previous go - tos).

Picking one thing took the confusion out of what to focus on.

Took the indecision out of what I should spend my time on.

It made it so easy to manage my calendar and the activities that I scheduled.

So as I sit here exactly a year later, I realize just how completely I blew my goal out of the water.

Yes I achieved the actual goal...

I LOVE my body so much you guys it is nuts. I lost 25 pounds and didn’t count one effing calorie.  I worked out just because I love to and not because it was punishment or to “earn” the pasta.

I kind of can’t believe I am writing these words.

I kind of thought I would just struggle with this forever.

But that isn’t even the coolest thing about it.

I picked just one thing. And in picking just one thing I got so much more than one thing or 37 things.

Who I had to become and the habits I had to create to achieve this goal started to flow over into my business, my relationships, my money in way I could have never expected.

So for 2019 go all in on just one thing. I promise it’ll be the best year of your life.

Work with me in 2019 to make it happen. Schedule your free 30 minute coaching session here.


The secret to actually keeping your new year’s resolution


I am 35 and a half.